Each forex trader is unique
There are over 8 billion people in the world (including space aliens disguised as humans) and not one person is exactly the same as another. Even identical twins will have different fingerprints.
Everyone has their own look, personality, talents, and pizza topping preferences (we like pepperoni and potato chips). We all like different things and are unique in our own way.
Trading is the same way. Our unique personalities will lead us to trade differently from one another. Some may be aggressive, “type A” personality traders while others may be more relax, “type B” personality traders. Some may like taking small wins all the time, while others don’t mind losing a bit in order to make those huge gains when they do win.
The point is that no two traders are alike. Even if a group of people were to trade the same system rules, each person’s end results would most likely be different from everyone else.
Is that a bad thing? Not at all!
Our uniqueness is what makes the world go round, so it’s important to know your lifestyle and personality to help identify trading strengths and weaknesses. Trying to force a trade that doesn’t match your personality will result in frustration and can hinder you from making consistent profits.
This lesson will take you through a variety of trading styles so that you can identify which one may match you the best.