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Wednesday 19 July 2017

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven Game Download

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven Game Cover

Mafia 1 Screen Shots

Mafia 1 File Size : 1.3 GB

Mafia 1 System Requirements

  • Windows Xp,7,Vista
  • Cpu: 700MHz
  • Ram:128MB
  • Hard: 1.8GB
  • Video Memory: 32 MB
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Mafia 1 The City of Lost Heaven Download

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Monster Truck Fury Game Download

Monster Truck Fury Screen Shots

Monster Truck Fury File Size : 34 MB

Monster Truck Fury System Requirements

  • Windows Xp,7,Vista
  • Hard: 50 MB
  • Ram: 256 Mb
  • Cpu: 800MHz

Monster Truck Fury Download

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Sonic Unleashed Game Download

Sonic Unleashed Screen Shots

Sonic Unleashed File Size : 24 MB

Sonic Unleashed System Requirements

  • Windows Xp,7,Vista
  • Hard: 50 MB
  • Ram: 256 Mb
  • Cpu: 800MHz

Sonic Unleashed Download

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Saturday 24 December 2016

USDJPY Long Term Analyse Bullish Pennant Formed (Dec24,2016)

USDJPY Bullish Pennant
USDJPY bullish pennant
USDJPY formed a very beautiful bullish pennats pattern .If market breaks the upper trend line then enter the buy order from 117.27 this level.

Best Of Luck
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Thursday 22 December 2016

School’s Over! Now What?

So now you’ve finished the School of Pipsology. Are you ready to step into the real trading world? Before you enter the wild and wacky world of forex, we believe that it’s always important to give back and help out in the community.
Absorb as much as you can and learn from your fellow traders. Remember, it’s better to check and educate yourself before you wreck yourself!
Next, get to know the successful graduates of the School and find out what they’re up to now.


The greatest forex monster who ever lived
Back in High School, we talked about how currency crosses present more trading opportunities as well as cleaner trends and ranges. Lucky for you, we’ve got the guy (err… monster) who’s an expert in trading those cross-currency pairs. Cyclopip may have just one eye but it’s pretty darn sharp when it comes to spotting big winners on the crosses!
Have we mentioned that Cyclopip is also our resident sports fanatic? You see, back in the day when his ale belly was barely visible, Cyclopip was the reigning MVP of the CBA (Caveman Basketball Association). So if you dig currency crosses or hoops, make sure you check out Cyclopip’s Currency Cross-Eyed trading blog because this superstar sure knows how to make it rain buckets and pips!

Happy Pip

Lady of the Comdolls
If you need proof that diamonds aren’t always a girl’s best friend, look no further than Happy Pip, our lady trader for commodity-related currencies or comdolls! This Daisy Dukes-lovin’ party girl gets her kicks by watching gold and oil, especially if she spots good trades on her favorite Aussie, Loonie, and Kiwi pairs.
Not a lot of people know this, but Happy Pip used to be a cheerleader back in high school. That should explain the huge smile that’s always on her face! She even gets to do her “happy dance” if she wins a trade on her Playing with Comdolls blog. If you need somebody to perk up your day, make sure you go Happy Pip’s way!


The barrista forex trader
The youngest in the bunch is Huck, a young barista and part-time forex trader. She normally has her hands full just like all you yuppies out there, but luckily, she was able to find time to develop her own HLHB mechanical trading system!
Since she still considers herself a newbie in the forex world, Huck decided to stick with the major currency pairs first. Don’t underestimate her though. She is fully capable of bagging hundreds of pips with her gutsy trade ideas! Check out her blog called “The Loonie Adventures of a Forex Noob” and don’t hesitate to give her a shout out!

Queen Cleopiptra

Raghee Horner is Queen Cleopiptra
Back in college, we talked about the importance of intermarket analysis. We told you that you should keep an eye on the dollar index, as well as intermarket correlations with commodities and equities.
Now, this won’t be easy at first, so we’ve invited Raghee Horner as a guest blogger and crowned her Queen Cleopiptra!
In her Chartology blog, Queen Cleopiptra discusses price action, chart setups, volatility, market cycles and the psychology as to why the markets move the way they do.
In addition, her Highness also talks about the gold, oil, the dollar index, and equity markets and their potential effect on overall risk sentiment and the forex market. If you wanna be the best at intermarket analysis, she’s the woman you need to go to!

Jack The Pipper

Ever turn on the tube and flip to the news channel and see that a billion dollar deal pushed through? Or that Company A bought out Company B for X kajillion euros? Ever wonder how it will affect the currency market?
Luckily for you, Jack “The Pipper” Crooks is here to tell us all about how moolah flows! In his Currency Currents blog, Jack focuses on the key factors that help drive the flow of global capital in and out of equities, fixed incomes markets, commodities and currencies.
So never fear, Jack’s got yo’ back! Once you understand what makes the world of money go round, some of that cash will flow right into yo lil’ piggy bank!
There you have it! If you ever feel lost in the forex jungle, you can always count on these friendly guys and gals to help you out. Now go forth and catch those pips!
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Love The Forex Game

Forex Love
In his prime, future NBA Hall of Famer Kobe Bryant MADE 1,000 shots a day in practice to increase his chances of making the 20-30 shots a game he takes.
Along with team practice, Peyton Manning (NFL legend) watched hours and hours of tapes of opposing teams every day (even during the offseason) to develop his uncanny ability to read defenses and score against them in one 60-minute game a week.
Tiger Woods’ job in his prime was winning golf tournaments for a living. Before the injuries and personal drama, he won 14 major golf tournaments and 79 PGA tour events – more than any active golfer. He practiced religiously every day for 15 years before winning his first pro event at the tender age of 18.
The obvious commonality between these champions is that not only do they work their butts off, but they also love with they do. They love the challenge and the competition.
Their passion for the game is so strong that it gets them through the hours upon countless hours of tedious tasks that others may not enjoy like tape watching, suicide drills, weight training, putting drills, etc.
To them, these things are fun!
Again, we’re not gonna sugar coat things. You’re all big boys and big girls.
There will be days when trading SUCKS!
It will get to the where you think “Gosh darnit! &#$(*&!! I wanna quit now.”
There will be days when you will be totally clueless. You won’t understand why the market is not moving with the news or why your mechanical system is getting chopped up.
There will be days when you will feel extremely lazy. You won’t feel like journaling. You won’t feel like reviewing your trades.
Trust us, you will experience a lot of these days. Especially in the beginning.
On days like these, it’s the “love of the game” that will keep you doing the things you need to do to become a good trader.
To become a good forex trader, it doesn’t take a genius IQ, an Ivy League pedigree, or the need to have three arms and three eyes.
It will take hours, LOTS of hours of market study, chart time, and deliberate practice to trade well. If you embrace the challenges of trading the currency market and have fun picking it apart, your chances of surviving and thriving will be improved immensely!
Okay, that’s it. Thanks for listening and completing the School of Pipsology.
We really appreciate that you decided to begin your forex trading journey with us.
Once you’re all set up and ready to trade, it’s up to you from then on out.
Grind it out.
Never quit improving every day and you could change your life for the better.
Good luck and good trading!
You're a Forex Winner!
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Be Patient. Stay Disciplined.

Be Patient. Stay Disciplined.


It’s a virtue…Especially with forex trading.
Arnold H. Glasgow, an American humorist, once said, “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”
Developing your currency trading plan will take time. Developing skills will take time.
Waiting for the right trade opportunities requires patience. Entering and exiting a trade at the right moment requires patience.


Discipline is also a virtue, and it means doing the things you need to do to progress and get better….even if you don’t want do it.
This means preparing for each forex trading day or week with research and chart study.
If you’re a mechanical or automated trader, this means back testing systems and constantly trying different settings and strategies as the environment changes.
And of course, don’t forget about keeping a trade journal and reviewing every single day you trade.
Journaling is the one trading task that separates the wannabe traders from the real deal traders. Unfortunately, most newbies won’t do it.
Forex trading concepts and techniques are simple and easy to learn. What’s hard to learn is how to be patient and disciplined to do the right things and make good trading decisions. Truthfully, it will be one of the most difficult endeavors you will ever take on.
To a newbie, sitting on the sidelines and watching the markets move while you wait for your best setups means you’re missing out on profits.
This way of thinking leads to a failure of patience and discipline and causes some of the most notorious trading mistakes in the book:
  • Impulse trades
  • Letting losers run too long
  • Cutting winners too quickly
  • Revenge trades
These actions will kill your account!
Remember that your job as a newbie is to learn how to make good trading decisions and SURVIVE!
The best thing you can do to stay patient and disciplined is to look at your career as a trader as a marathon and NOT a sprint.
This is not an overnight, get-rich-quick scheme.
This is a commitment to build skills that will allow you to profitably trade in any environment the market will throw at you at any time.
And essentially, free you from the chains of the “Man.” Fight the Power!!
If you stay patient, maintain discipline, and commit to constant improvement, then your results today as a forex noob will probably be nothing compared to the results of the trader you will become after years grinding it out in the markets.
Another thing….
Always remember that opportunities for good trades occur ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY!
No need to rush into bad currency trades. They will only set you back from reaching your goals.
Stick to your best ideas and setups, and if they don’t come that session, just wait for the next.
Unless the world stops trading currencies (knock on wood) then there will always be opportunities around the corner.
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